(* This program is meant to demonstrate simple I/O for OCaml
- MAT - 02192009
Its intended usage is to take a filename as a parameter when executing a program,
e.g. ./io myFile.txt
that consists of one number per line. The program then sorts the list and outputs a file represenative
of the sorted list with one number per line. Lines in the input file that are not integers will cause an exception to be thrown.
open Printf
let rec input_lines file =
match try [input_line file] with End_of_file -> [] with
[] -> []
| line -> line @ input_lines file
let inFile =
try Sys.argv.(1) with noFileName -> "Specify a filename for input for the second argument, e.g. ./io foo.txt";;
let inputChannel = open_in inFile;;
let stringList = (input_lines inputChannel);;
let numbers = Array.make (List.length stringList) 0 in
printf "%s\n" "Before: ";
(* This seems excessive but is necessary to change the data type *)
for i=0 to (List.length stringList)-1 do
Array.set numbers i (int_of_string (List.nth stringList i));
printf "%d\n" (Array.get numbers i);
done ;
printf "%s\n" "After: ";
Array.sort compare numbers;
for i=0 to (List.length stringList)-1 do
printf "%d\n" (Array.get numbers i);
done ;
(* Output file *)
let outputStream = open_out inFile in
for i=0 to (Array.length numbers)-1 do
fprintf outputStream "%d\n" (Array.get numbers i);
close_out outputStream;;
Sample data to be put in file specified as first parameter